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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hippity hop!

Going back to work has been crazy busy but I don't want to miss out on all of my hops! Here are the ones I'm participating in this week! If you're visiting from a hop, leave a comment and let me know you're following! I love finding new blogs to follow!

Pregnancy and Baby 411 Fab Friends Thursday Blog Hop

A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop Smart and Trendy Moms

Photobucket Tailspin Hop



  1. I am a new follower from I ♥ Blogging, thank you for joining our hop!

    I would love if you could stop by and follow me back if you haven't yet

  2. I'm a new follower from follow friday! I blog at Work From Home Star.

  3. Hey there, I am a new follower from the blog hop! I am hosting my very FIRST blog hop and would love if you would come join me and support this new adventure!


Thanks for stopping by FormulaMom! I love hearing from my readers and do my best to reply to everyone!