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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things We Love: Fisher Price Seahorse

Today I'm starting a new segment I'd like to call "Things We Love." We have a lot of baby gear around the house right now and we use most of what we have out but there are a few things that have earned themselves and spot on my current list of must haves.

The first is our Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse. I'd read about the seahorse on a number of websites and my mom ended up buying it for W. When he was a newborn, I tried it a few times with him and he really could not have cared less about it. But over the past few months, the seahorse has become an essential part of the bedtime routine.

I do my best to put W down drowsy and not completely asleep. He uses a pacifier to go to sleep and is swaddled (another one of the things we love). I turn on the vibration in his Pack n Play and I also set his seahorse near his head and turn it on. Most of the time he is out within one round of music! He looks at the light for a bit until his eyes drift closed.

Although the music doesn't play for long (probably 5-7 minutes), it does play longer than the gloworm we have. Tonight I discovered something we had been wondering about. J had asked me if there was a way to turn the seahorse off after it has been turned on and the only suggestion I had was to open the back and turn off the power switch. Tonight I discovered that if you press the belly and hold it for a few seconds, the light and music fades out! This is a great discovery especially when W is out quickly and we don't need the music any longer.

One slight inconvenience comes when changing the batteries. Our first set of batteries lasted quite awhile although we weren't using it much the first month. The door on the battery compartment is screwed on so you need a little screwdriver every time you want to change the batteries. It also uses three AA batteries which bothers me a bit because it leaves an odd number of batteries in the package!

Besides that little issue, the seahorse is pretty perfect in my opinion. It has definitely come in handy in our house and I would recommend it!

1 comment:

  1. O we loved that thing. We had two at home and one at my parent's house. It was so calming that I fell asleep to it one time, ok maybe more than once :)


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