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Saturday, April 2, 2011

A to Z Challenge: B is for Baby

Today is the second day of the A to Z challenge and for the letter B I had to go with the obvious in my life right now. B is for Baby.

17 weeks ago, my life changed forever. Although pregnancy was a change, the birth of my son made everything different. I don't know how I ever lived life without him and sometimes I wonder how we are living with him! Almost everyday brings a new challenge and yet we manage to get through it. I don't think I ever realized how how amazing people are when they parent. There is definitely no handbook! Thank goodness for the internet!

17 weeks old!

Besides sharing another cute picture of my little man, I was also trying to think of all of the baby items we have that begin with a B to go with this post. I won a baby shower game a few weeks ago that involved listing as many baby items as you could in a certain amount of time. I was the only one with a newborn so no one was surprised when I won that game. Here's what I have come up with so far:

Birth (my med-free waterbirth story is here
Blessing (W is truly a blessing in our lives!)
Bottle brush
Bottle warmer (we don't have one of these)
Baby wipes
Bumbo/Bebe Pod (we have the Prince Lionheart)
Bibs (we go through tons of these each day)
Bubbles (W loves to blow little spit bubbles)
Blogging! (I do it and love it!)
Blankets (we have a ton of blankets but I find that we use the same ones again and again)
Burp Cloths (we also use a ton of these a day)
Burps (and we have a lot of these each day!)
bumGenius (one of our favorite diaper brands!)
Babies 'R Us
Bears (thanks Sara!)
Binkies (thanks Sara!)
Boogers (thanks Sara!)
Baby formula/food
Baby Led Weaning (I'm hoping to do this with W although we may have to try some cereal soon since he is interested)

That is what I have so far but I will add more if I think of them today! If you have something, let me know and I'll add it!


  1. How about Bears, Binkies and Boogers?! ;-)

  2. Hi,
    I am following you from the blog hop. If you would like to follow me back you can at Please stop by for book club if you are interested.--Connie

  3. Following from the April’s Tailspin Monthly Blog and Social Media Hop! Hoping you can return the favof :)...

  4. Hey...following you back from the blog hop! Love your site...just the stuff I like to read about:)


  5. Funny! Wow, I'm glad I'm out of the baby stage. My baby is 11 now (almost as tall as me). Enjoy every moment...those little things grow too darn fast!

  6. Not that we use them as often as our grandparents did but...Booties! Also, baby bums are pretty squishy and cute :)


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