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Friday, March 18, 2011

Everything comes to an end.

On this day 15 weeks ago, I was eating lunch at work with my friends telling them how I couldn't go too much longer before having W. Granted my due date was still 8 days away but I had woken up feeling off and the past week had been a challenge. I remember thinking when I was pregnant that I wouldn't be one of those people who said they were done being pregnant, but by 39 weeks I was pretty sure I was ready to have that baby. I was ready to meet him. Now I think about how if he had waited until his due date (or later) I would still have time with him. Although I have been blessed to have more time home with him than many working mothers.

15 weeks later, I sit here at the end of my maternity leave. My little boy is grumbling in his sleep as he gets closer to waking up for the day. They are sounds that were once so unfamiliar to me and now they are just part of my life. They are an indicator that I better have a bottle ready because when he wakes up it will be time for FOOD! I can't blame him because I'm the same way!

Although I follow his cues, we have settled into somewhat of a schedule and Monday morning will be rough on me as I begin the journey towards a new schedule. Instead of sleeping until I hear him begin to rumble around and then getting up in an effort to brush my teeth (at least!) before he wakes up, I will wake up and do my best not to wake him up. I will pump, get dressed, eat my breakfast, and head off to work without a car seat in the back. It will be a mixing of my old pre-baby life and my new life with W. It will be a challenge, but in the end it will be okay.

My family is blessed to have my mother taking care of W for a week before J takes some leave to be with him. Then my mother will watch him again during the last week of the school year before I am off for the summer. W will not be in daycare until the fall and I pray that God leads me to the right person to care for him at that point.

What I will miss most are the morning cuddles and grins. What I will not miss most is the afternoon crankiness. It helps to think about that sometimes! In all seriousness though, today through Monday will be some of the toughest moments of my life but I will make it through. I am strong and I will be okay. I will just learn to cherish all of the moments I have with my son while being able to provide for him and grow in other areas of my life.

Being a mother is hard work.


  1. new follower! Great blog! :) I don't have any children yet (hopefully soon!) but I definitely will be a cloth diaperer!

  2. Good luck Mariah! I can imagine how challenging it would be to go back to work at this point, however you obviously have a great handle on everything in your life and I'm sure you will balance things very effectively!

  3. Good Luck! Your baby has a beautiful smile!

    Giving you a follow back. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following - returning the favor now.

    I SO remember my own maternity leave coming to and end. I was in parts excited, scared, sad and happy. Pretty much, I was a mess! :) But we all figured it out...eventually. Good luck!

  5. Yes, being a mother is hard work. I am your newest follower.

  6. Good luck with going back to work! I secretly envy working mothers... it's so hard to get a job where we live because the majority of the jobs go to the local nationals *sigh* Hopefully when we move back stateside I'll be able to find a job. Being away from my kids will probably be hard at first, but some adult interaction is going to be needed. :) (P.S. Following you back)

  7. Hang in there - it is tough going back but you are very lucky that you have your mom to watch him. I'm your newest follow from the tailspin blog hop - please check out my blog at!

  8. Your son is so cute! Thanks for following
    Mika's Pantry. I'm now following you back.

  9. Aww! I feel your pain! I'm finishing off week 3 back to work from maternity leave. We've been blessed that DH has a very flexible job and can work from home and watch her too. Good luck!

    Thanks for following me on The Copper Brick Road I'm following back :)

  10. I can understand how hard it must be to leave him but you know he'll be in good hands. I'm sure you'll find the perfect minder for him, that is always a worry but something you need to take your time doing.

    I bet those 15 weeks have gone quickly. Isn't it amazing how we parents seem to know exactly what each cry is for?!!

    Have a great weekend, CJ xx

  11. Thanks for following me. I am following you back. I am a new grandmother (Mia) of an 8 month old baby girl. She is the light of my life. You can come see how beautiful she is on my blog page 'It's all about the girl, Chloe's page'.
    Good Luck with going back to work. Cherish every moment with your child, those little ones grow up all too quickly!

  12. Know that everything will be just fine while you are at work. Be sure to call and check in to see what/how he's doing, you'll find that reassuring. I went to work when my son was (only) 12 weeks old. It's a tough adjustment at first, especially as a breastfeeding mom. A pump doesn't compare to skin to skin cuddles.

    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  13. Hi, I'm a new follower through GFC. Can't wait to read more of your blog.


  14. Good luck on Monday! I remember making my own transition not too long ago. Not all days are perfect, but we manage.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Being a Mom is the job of all jobs! Your son is adorable!

    Newest follower from FMBT!

  16. Following you back! Have a Great weekend!

  17. I'm following you from Fab Friends thursday blog hop, Please come on over when you get a moment, I would love for you to follow me back
    thank you


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