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Join me June 1st - 14th for my take on many cloth diapering issues, great reviews, and giveaways!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A to Z Challenge: R is for Red.

Sticking with the cloth diaper theme for the week, today R is for Red diapers! Red is another one of those diaper colors that I adore. The list of my favorite colors includes orange, red, black, gray, and brown. I also love pinks but we're not going down that road yet! Maybe in the future, but for now I will stick with my neutral colors.

On to the red diapers! I own just one red diaper and it is actually a bit large for W right now so he hasn't gotten to wear it. I own a red Happy Heiny pocket. I found some Happy Heinys on sale a few weeks ago and they only had the red in large but I wanted it! W is in size medium right now so we have a while before it will fit him but I still love knowing that it's in our stash!

There are plenty of other red diapers out there that have me drooling! Let's see a few and maybe I'll be able to spread the red diaper love!

Envibum has a red MINKY diaper! Be still my heart! Envibum is a wonderful company because every diaper gives back through a donation to a charitable organization!

AppleCheeks offers a diaper in crimson red. We had two AppleCheeks as part of our newborn/smaller stash and I really liked them! They fit W very early!

Fuzzibunz in watermelon! I haven't had a chance to use any Fuzzibunz so I'm not sure if this is a true red but I love the name!

Rumparooz and Lil' Joeys are available in crimson.

This is just a small selection of red diapers on the market and I have seen a number of adorable red diapers on Etsy and Hyena cart. One worry I have about red diapers is washing with the rest of my diapers. I have a fear that they will turn the rest of my diapers some shade of pink! I did wash our Happy Heiny alone at first but I will probably end up throwing it in with the rest once it's in the rotation!


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