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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Milestone: Rolling Over Tummy to Back!

I will admit that I haven't been great about W and tummy time. He used to just hate it and scream from the moment we put him down on his tummy. He much prefers to be on someone's chest and lift his head to look around. Today I wanted to try and take a few photos of him and I laid him down on his stomach. Imagine my amazement when he did a baby push-up! As I was sitting there marveling in the little accomplishment and telling W just how strong he is, he decided to go even further and I watched (in what felt like slow motion) him roll himself over from his tummy to his back!

I called out for J and my mom and they both came. We were lucky and W actually did it again when placed on his tummy. Of course, we hadn't gotten the video camera so once we went downstairs to get it, W was over being on his tummy for today. Maybe next time!


  1. Very cute! It's amazing to watch their accomplishments grow!


  2. So cute !!!

    Following you via Mingle Monday. Hoep you will follow me too @

  3. Love it : ) What a cutie!! Thanks for stopping by Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's

  4. OMG, what a cutie you got there! I remember the first time I saw my twin nephews roll over. I couldn't stop smiling!

    I'm your newest follower from last weeks FMBT!


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